unconstrained minimization




  1. Sequential unconstrained minimization technique minimum and maximum amount
  2. In this paper, the author applies affine reduced operation to the model based secant method and gives a new method to look for the descent direction for solving unconstrained minimization problem.
  3. Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique and Augmented Lagrange Method for Optimal Design of Engine Inlet Valve Cam
  4. Therefore, from the theoretical point of view, a solution of the inequality constrained problem and the corresponding values of the Lagrange multipliers can be found by the well known method of multipliers which resort to the unconstrained minimization of the augmented Lagrangian function presented.
  5. The stochastic user equilibrium with multiple user groups is represented as an unconstrained minimization problem solution and a sensitivity analysis method based on link level is proposed for it.
  6. With the help of an unconstrained minimization method solved is the axle center actual location of the rotor within its working speed range.
  7. Model. an unconstrained minimization method based on homogeneous function ( 1)& greville's method
  8. Solution of optimum gas allocation model for gas-lift block with sequential unconstrained minimization technique
  9. As the solution gained by the internal point Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques is safe and reliable, the optimization designers are willing to adopt them.
  10. Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques ( SUMT) are most common and comparatively successful method in constrained optimization.
  11. The Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques for the Design of Drug Compositions
  12. For this nonlinear programming model using the mixed penalty function method SUMT we transform the constrained nonlinear programming into a sequence of unconstrained minimization problems, and we solve the unconstrained problems by the variable metric method DFP and the method of quadratic interpolation.
  13. In this thesis, we consider some topics about the nonmonotone trust region method for unconstrained minimization problems.
  14. By using sequential unconstrained minimization technique the optimal solutions are obtained with direct search method in the paper. The influences of hydraulic, engineering and constrained conditions on optimum are H_d analyzed.
  15. An unconstrained minimization method based on nonquadratic model
  16. Furthermore, the properties of the proposed convex filled function are discussed and a convex filled function algorithm for continuous unconstrained global minimization problem is presented.
  17. An efficient conjugate direction method for unconstrained function minimization
  18. Hybrid SUMT ( Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique) is used in this dissertation, and it is a very useful method in solving problems of constrained optimization.
  19. Adaptive supermemory descent method for unconstrained minimization
  20. It is known that among the unconstrained minimization algorithms Powell's algorithms using the principal axes is an important one.
  21. In this paper, we use simplicial method for solving unconstrained minimization problems to find optimization of goal function, We give the program of the process and use the program for solving a practical problem.
  22. Being away from the searching point by point, this method is simpler and clearer than the ordinary mathematical programming method such as the sequential unconstrained minimization techique ( SUMT).
  23. An efficient line search scheme for unconstrained minimization
  24. As a hybrid restriction optimization approach, the sequential unconstrained minimization technique was applied for optimization.
  25. Combined with the nonlinear mathematical mo-del, the sequential unconstrained minimization technique ( SUMT) is used for developing a code to calculate the performance of dual-axis turbojet engines.
  26. Subspace tracking in impulsive noises as an unconstrained minimization problem is considered based on fractional lower-order statistics theory and a new recursive solution is proposed.
  27. A Correction Formula with Circular Arc Search for Unconstrained Minimization of Positive Definite Quadratic Function
  28. Computing Sherman Unit Hydrograph by Slacked Unconstrained Minimization Method
  29. The linear constraint minimum variance ( LCMV) criterion is chosen to deal with strong interference. With orthogonal decomposition, LCMV is reduced to an unconstrained minimization problem, the conjugate gradient ( CG) algorithm is used to obtain the optimal solution.
  30. It is known that the VIP can be reformulated as an unconstrained minimization problem through the D-gap function.